A massive reduction in the amount of waste we send to landfill is required if we are to avoid the heavy fines and the landfill taxes that are being imposed by Central Government on councils that exceed their landfill allowances. Increases in your Council Tax or service cuts in other areas would be the only way of paying these penalties.
31. What does the text highlight?
A. Reasons to recycle.
B. Conserving the energy.
C. Protecting the environment.
D. Environmental construction.
E. Saving money through recycling.
Jawaban: A
32. We know from the text that … if we recycle.
A. landfill sites will decrease
B. climate change will continue
C. more new products will be reduced
D. natural habitats will never be affected
E. air and water pollution will be affected
Jawaban: D
33. “Recycling reduces the need for extracting (mining, quarrying and logging), refining and processing raw materials all of which create substantial air and water pollution.”
Based on this quote, we conclude that the writer is telling us that ….
A. recycling saves us money
B. recycling reduce landfill
C. recycling saves energy
D. recycling conserves raw materials
E. recycling helps protects the environment
Jawaban: E
34. Recycling reduces the need for extracting … it reduces pollution.
A. because
B. after
C. where
D. but
E. so